For project B, I worked very closely with Renee
Smith-Faulkner as we designed training for the district leadership team on
building a digital brand. As new administrators and district leaders are hired
in the district, we needed a training that we could offer them to catch them up
with where our other administrators are as digital leaders. This was a very
large project so it was nice to work with Renee to complete this project.
In looking at the outcome, all participants were very
positive about their experience in the trainings. There were only a couple of
issues. First, in the day 2 “Why Brand” activity, using Realtime Board did not
work. Even though the participants were invited to use the board, most still
had issues accessing it. The instructors quickly changed the means to share the
group’s findings by having them add information on a shared Google doc. Next
time, I will want to create this activity in Google Slides so that each group
will have a slide to share their findings. The other big issue was time. We
packed these days full of activities. However, the participants requested that
they have more time to fully develop the artifacts for each activity. Other
than those two issues, the participants felt that the training was very
beneficial and well worth their time to attend.
Peer editing was a constant throughout the design of this
training module. Renee and I would look over each other’s work as each part was
completed. Through this peer editing process, we were able to find small issues
before we presented the design document and job aid to our clients. Also, by
constantly editing each other, we were able to stay consistent in our design so
that all parts worked effortlessly together. Once we felt comfortable with the
design, we would then have our clients look over the design document and job
aid to make sure everything needed was included. Because we had used their
input to create the training, there were not any issues that had to be
corrected from their review of the document other than a minor spelling or
grammar change here and there.
Once the training was over, we sat down with our clients to
go over the training. They felt that the training went very well. They too felt
that time was an issue so we will add more time when we provide this training
if the future. They felt that the atmosphere of the training was very positive
and the participants were very grateful for being asked to participate in the
training. They also let us know the issues they had with Realtime Board and
that they quickly resolved the issue with a shared Google doc. I felt that this
training was very well organized and look forward to offering it again as new
administrators begin working in our district.