Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Role as a Technology Coach & the ISTE Standards for Coaches

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) aligns six key areas for instructional coaches to use as guidelines for integrating technology into curriculum. The following is a summary of how each standard applies to my position as Director of Instructional Technology for Castleberry ISD.

Visionary Leadership – As Castleberry ISD continues to expand the one-to-one initiative, I have had a vital role in planning, communicating and implementing technology infusion in the classrooms. I have worked with leadership teams, instructional rounds teams, and teachers to provide resources that assist in the development of improvement plans, lesson plans, and most of all the district technology plan.

Teaching, Learning, and Assessments – As a technology coach, my main goal is to provide the support that teachers need to develop lesson activities that target the objectives for the unit while instilling 21st Century Skills so that students are empowered to take control of their own learning. Not only do I provide support, but I model skills and activities in professional development sessions that teachers can use in their own classrooms. 

Digital Age Learning Environments - This year, we will be using Canvas as our LMS. This platform will enable teachers to plan, provide students resources, and assess students within one application. Additionally, applications such as Google Drive and Office 365 can be utilized as collaboration tools.

Professional Development and Program Evaluation - I look forward to expanding teacher learning through Twitter edchats and modeling professional development sessions similar to ed camps. Also, the ability to offer professional development trainings utilizing Canvas LMS not only models the use of the online classroom, but gives teachers a chance to view the LLMS as a student would. Another tool that we will be utilizing this school year is BrightBytes. BrightBytes is a survey that students, staff, and parents complete on the integration of technology. This survey tool will provide data that will guide the type of professional development and support needed to continue to grow in the infusion of technology.

Digital Citizenship – As a technology coach, I will continue to review and update responsible use policies each year. I will also work with assistant principals as they prepare presentations to present to students and parents on responsible use and digital citizenship. We will continue to seek opportunities for students to collaborate with other students outside of Castleberry ISD on class projects. And finally, we are going to pilot a blended learning environment at the high school where students meet in places outside of the classroom to work on project based lessons.

Content Knowledge and Professional Growth – In order to succeed, we must all continue to grow. I will complete my Master’s in Learning Technologies this next May. The skills and strategies that I learn will be shared through professional development sessions that I offer. I will continue to seek trainings and resources so that will enhance my knowledge base in technology integration so that what I learn can be shared with the teachers that I serve.