Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tech Academy - July 14-17

Over the past 4 days, a group of 18 teachers have worked on implementing 21st Century Skills and Technology TEKS into their existing curriculum. With 21st Century Skills, new technology TEKs, and secondary students in a one-to-one environment, teachers must be prepared to teach differently than they have in the past.

This summer in Tech Academy, we focused on several items:

  1. Building a strong PLN (we can never learn enough)
  2. Overcoming barriers when infusing technology
  3. What is a flipped classroom?
  4. Creating an infused lesson using a web app for students to present new knowledge
  5. Maintaining a teacher blog
  6. Using Google Docs
It has been another excellent week of training. I learned right along with the teachers as they shared new resources they found each day while spending time developing their PLNs. Teachers created their own videos that could be used in a flipped activity using applications such as Screen-cast-o-matic, Smart Recorder, and Powtoons. In addition, teachers went through the lesson activity themselves and created a student sample of a possible student product. The teachers this week have filled their teacher tool boxes with many useful resources as they transform their classrooms into 21st Century learning environments!

Teachers that attended from July 14-17, please reflect upon the week in a comment below. Also include answers to the following questions for me in your comment:

  1. In Tech Academy, we used several web apps such as Answer Garden, Blogger, Google Docs, etc. Which of these web apps are you most excited about implementing in your classroom?
  2. How do you see student using the web app you selected in #1 to enhance your curriculum?
  3. What level(s) of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy can be reached using this tool? Why? How?


  1. I am very excited about GoSoapBox because it is a clicker site and I have used a similar tool. This is wonderful for engagement, understanding checks, concept reinforcement, etc. and reaches the understanding and applying levels through quick pepper questions.

  2. Out of the webapps that we have used, I am most excited about using google docs. I think this will enable me to get my students to write more about Physics and ensure they are all writing their own assignment. It could also be used to have the students do warm-ups or end of class reflections using the forms. All levels of Bloom's Taxonomy can be reached since there are lots of different tools within Google Docs that are available.

  3. 1. In Tech Academy, I learned several neat applications but the web apps most exciting about implementing in my classroom would be and

    2. I feel as if my students will benefit strongly from each application presented this week. It will take time for the teacher to review before introducing again and time for the students to gather. But, once again fun and interesting.
    3. The level of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy would be reached is Applying because they will be blogging what and how they learned the material.

  4. Out of everything we looked at this week I really liked Google Docs,, and Sophia. Sophia had a lot of curriculum and resources, that I can use, built into it. Google Docs will be a great resource for me to be able to work with my peers and has inspired me to develop another technology infused lesson.

    Sophia will be beneficial for my students and parents as a resource. I will be able to upload my own videos and assignments but it is nice to know that there are other tutorials accessible to them. The app will have them at the create level of bloom because they will be compiling their own data and creating a scatterplot. We will then be able to have class discussions about the types of correlations represented in their graphs.

  5. I really enjoyed learning and becoming better prepared to serve the students.
    Google docs is something I feel I would use more often. I think all levels of blooms can be reached if the wok upfront is invested for the students. We will get out of it what we put into it.

  6. 1. In Tech Academy, we used several web apps such as Answer Garden, Blogger, Google Docs, etc. Which of these web apps are you most excited about implementing in your classroom?

    I have already started creating assessments in, and I will be implementing answer garden. I want to check out screen cast-o-matic as well. I also want to get to know sophia to use in the classroom as well. Thank you for teaching us google doccs. This will be sooooo much easier to keep my files in one place that I can access from school and at home.

    How do you see student using the web app you selected in #1 to enhance your curriculum?

    I will be taking on co-teaching the CBI class for next year and gosoapbox to help with bell work and answering questions after a lesson.

    What level(s) of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy can be reached using this tool? Why? How?

    By using storyboardthat I was able to use Creativity level of Blooms through story telling. This had the students create an alternate ending to the novel we read. They had to focus on plot, theme and the importance of relationships between characters.

  7. This week has been overwhelming and a bit exhausting, to say the least. I learned a great deal in a short amount of time, and I hope I can remember it all. I know I will be using Google Docs at least weekly, if not more often, as well as Blogger and polling apps such as Answer Garden and I am excited about the gaggle program, as I believe it will help our students stay organized and in contact with the teachers. I know that all levels can be reached with the gaggle app, as well as the Google Docs app.

    Thank you for the great training! I look forward to learning more about all of this!

  8. 1.In Tech Academy, we used several web apps such as Answer Garden, Blogger, Google Docs, etc. Which of these web apps are you most excited about implementing in your classroom? I could see myself using all of these apps and I am excited about them.
    2.How do you see students using the web app you selected in #1 to enhance your curriculum? Answer Garden could help with quick feedback, Soapbox as well. There are limitless apps students could use to create projects. Google Docs will be helpful too
    3.What level(s) of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy can be reached using this tool? Why? How?
    Application and Creation because they will be developing many projects, presentations, etc...

  9. This week has been technology overload! It was very informative and insightful and I'm very excited to use google docs, and gaggle. I like that we can have documents that can be shared with students and vice versa. Google sites will be very useful to start the flipping process and put the learning in their hands and somewhat at their pace.

  10. is my favorite web app. Very useful for quick assessments.
    2. At the beginning and end of class is a great comprehension check.
    3. The app will cover the evaluation level of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy because the kids will have to make answers that delves into the material using their own thoughts and opinions in their responses.
    I enjoyed the Technology Academy. Learned a lot. Thanks for keeping it relevant. The tools and skills we worked on today will add to what is being done in class.
    It is going to be a good year to get better with technology.

  11. Tech Academy this week has lead me to the realization that it would be worthwhile to "flip" some of my classroom activities. Making a video was not time intensive; to the contrary, I was able to create my own video faster than I could find the "perfect" video to use. I plan on utilizing Blogger and Google Docs significantly in my classes this year. A lot of the levels of Blooms required for BIM1 can be reached using the tools referenced.

  12. In the past 4 days of Tech Academy I have learned more about teacher AND student use of technology in the classroom environment than I've learned in seven years of professional development! It was well organized, well communicated of teacher expectations, and has gotten me excited about a new school year - and it's still teacher vacation!!! What?!!!!
    Choosing a favorite web app that I've learned this week is like a mother trying to choose a favorite new puppy that was born in a litter. But I'm just gonna go with the one that I'm thinking of off the top of my head: Google Docs will become a huge part of my life. Students will be able to use it to learn how to be more efficient, and a great part of communication and feedback. It will be used at all levels of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.
    Thank you for such a good week of learning.
