With only six weeks left in CECS 5510, Technology Based Learning Environments, there is not much time to complete the course
project. However, I am right on target to complete the project within the
time frame of the course. During the first weeks of the course, we were given
the task to complete our own timeline for the components we needed to create
for our own online classroom. At the time, I spent many hours developing my
timeline so that I would have a balanced work load in completing the work. All
in all, I have been able to stay very close to the timeline. At times, I have
even been able to work ahead on the timeline.
As of now, I have roughly seventy-five percent of
the course completed. The next large task will be to complete the job aid that
will accompany the project. In previous projects for instructional design, the
job aid has been the most challenging part for me. Within the job aid, I need
to have instructions ready for someone besides myself to facilitate the course.
This task has been difficult for me previously because I tend to assume the
other person will know what to do in some instances. I have to make a conscious
effort to address all aspects of the course as if the person has never seen any
of the components before.
However, through the peer review process for this
course, I have been made aware of areas that someone outside of our school
district might not fully understand. For instance, a couple of the initiatives
that our district has put in place were not common knowledge for my peer
reviewer. Once I explained them to her, the activities I created made more
sense. I will also need to incorporate these explanations into my job aid.
As far as implementation, I will not be able to
fully implement the course until next summer. This course will be offered to
any returning teachers that need further assistance with using the Canvas LMS. Additionally,
new teachers hired through the summer will also have the opportunity to
complete the course during the summer. We will also offer the online course
during the first semester of school for those teachers that could not complete
the course during the summer. I look forward to the first group of teachers taking
the course. I believe that once I have students in the course, I will have some
areas that I will need to update after receiving their feedback on the course
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